Remarks at the China Innovation and Entrepreneurship Forum by Consul General Zheng Xiyuan
2019-07-05 16:56

Dear guests, ladies and gentlemen, good morning!

I am honored to be invited to speak on today's occasion. First of all, please allow me, on behalf of the Chinese Consulate General in Manchester, to express my warm congratulations and heartfelt thanks to you for this well-organized event, which officially kicks off the seventh "Chunhui Cup" contest in north England.

The words "Chunhui" means spring sunshine in Chinese, derived from one poem of the Tang Dynasty: "Such loving care as growing grass receives,From the warm sun can't be repaid. " It is used as a metaphor comparing a mother's love for her children to the omnipresent spring sunshine a grass cannot do without in growth, which can best depict the loving care and expectations of our motherland for the hundreds of thousands of overseas students. Since China's reform and opening up, more than 3 million overseas students have returned back home. More markedly in recent years, returning to China after graduation will undoubtedly be recorded as an unprecedented ongoing trend in China's history. Today, there are more than 70,000 Chinese students studying in our Consular district, the majority of whom will choose to go back to China after getting their degrees.

Chinese President Xi Jinping said:"Science and technology constitute the foundation of national prosperity, and innovation holds the key to national progress." Chinese government encourages our students to return home and supports them serving the country. The "Chunhui Cup" contest aims to motivate returned overseas Chinese students to play a better role in promoting China's growth and industrial upgrading, and has become an important channel and platform attracting our students go back to China to start their businesses.

Chinese economic transformation is pacing up towards an innovation-driven, green and digital economy. There are many science parks and innovation incubation centers across China. Many free trade zones are developing quite well, beckoning to our students to go back and contribute to the great cause of our national rejuvenation.

Ladies and gentlemen, North England, spearheaded by Great Manchester, plays home to a galaxy of universities, research institutes and high-tech enterprises. It had played a leading role in the past industrial revolution in world history, contributing greatly to the advancement of civilization. Since the 1980s, Manchester has taken the lead in economic transformation and city regeneration, creating a model in Europe of green growth and scientific development, standing proof to the immense strength of the UK as a world science and technology engine.

At this moment when a new wave of science revolution sweeps across North England, our students should count themselves lucky to be studying in such a place of infinite innovative power and ride the wave as front-runners in China's science revolution. In previous "Chunhui Cup" contests, our consular area has achieved remarkable results, and I hope you create new record this year. Your success will also lend lustre to the "golden era" of China-UK relations, providing new impetus for the prosperous future of the Chinese and British people.

Hand in hand let's work together for that goal. Thank you.

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